One of my best friends recently returned from a trip to NYC. I know… I’m excited too. We caught up within 5 seconds of wheels down so I could upload the essential (gloss/fash) details from her trip memory drive before any pristine intel could be deleted by gripping post-holiday issues like, laundry…
The low down? Get your (fashion) engines revving. Biker boots are in. Knee highs, ankle, calf. All lengths, shapes, and styles. As long as they’re black. Studs, heavy metal, and buckles? Optional (but desirable).
At first I wasn’t sure I could pull biker boots off. They are not for the faint (preppy) hearted. But they kind of snuck up on me. Lately, every time I do a 360 on an outfit I like? The outfit is anchored by a pair of biker boots (BB’s). Case in point…

Cara Delevingne. Rock star (ensemble. No idea if she can sing).
I’ve put my (preppy) preconceptions aside and I’ve been BB hunting. But I’m being thwarted by, of all things, Adelaide. Yes the city in South Australia.
Let me explain. Adelaide is half an hour behind. Who knows why? I just know it’s behind. I’m going to call this the ‘Adelaide Time Lag’ (or ATL) factor. At the moment the ATL is working against me on a global (fashion) scale.
An example? All the cool UK kids are currently working oversized woollen coats. Aussies? Not so much. Obviously. It’s 30 degrees. Our shops are selling shorts. And ice creams.
Do you see what I’m saying? We’re one season behind. Literally. Weather and fashion wise. The ATL means no biker boots have stomped their way into my wardrobe yet.
However, there is an upside to the ATL… I now have time to hunt, at leisure, for the perfect pair of BB’s and when it’s time (in autumn) to purchase, our northern hemisphere friends will be into sandals… And… Their biker boots will be on sale…
Happy biker boot hunting…