Blue Jean Baby

Has anyone else been caught in a fashion vacuum now that Gossip Girl is no longer on our screens?  No? Really? Just me then… Awkward… Don’t worry, I can rally. I don’t want you to miss out on a key fash-spiration moment in recent TV history. Lily, (played by the very lovely Kelly Rutherford) walks into the hospital to visit Serena (played by Blake Lively – her husband is Ryan Reynolds. ‘Nuff said about how gorgeous she is.) – who has had a car accident/drug overdose/something hospital visit worthy – honestly, who’s following the plot when all your focus is on The Outfit?  Lily was wearing skinny pale blue jeans, sky-high heels and a sweater. And it rocked.

Slight problem. I was viewing GG at 9.30pm on a Tuesday.  No stores were open. Except 7-Elevens. And frankly Lady Gaga is the only person on the planet with the skills to make an outfit out of chocolate bar wrappers.  I needed pale blue jeans. Stat. Thank god for the 24 hour emergency assistance hotlines (websites) provided by; Shop Bop, Saks 5th Avenue, and Net-a-Porter.

Unfortunately that particular evening they were providing assistance on dark denim. Only. There were no skinny, low waisted jeans of the perfect pale blue hue to be found. Also, the CW Network forgot to include this key detail in the episode credits. How was I supposed to cyber stalk those jeans into my wardrobe with no clues?

Then I got to thinking…  Maybe the pale blues and I weren’t in fact a match made in denim heaven.  There was that firm promise* I made several years ago to never walk out the door in jeans of that baby blue hue…

Let me explain.  In the BH** years, there was one particularly low dating point. The guy I was dating only wore pale blue jeans – which may have been because they were his only pair. Yes. It means he never washed them. (Please excuse me while I quietly retrospectively vomit).  Anyway that’s not the worst part. Pale jean wearer teamed his baby blues (jeans not eyes) with muscle tee’s.  Despite not having any (muscles that is).  On cooler evenings, or when he wanted to ‘dress up’, a chunky off-cream polyester cable sweater joined us. His preferred footware? Runners. No, not cool street trainers. Asics…

Let’s move onto his personality. To use the correct marketing term, he ‘lived’ his brand. Which was 100% outfit inspired. He truly believed he was a teen heart throb circa 1991. And really, in his own way, he was. The way he asked other girls out when we were on a date was straight out of a 13-year-old’s school bus playbook.  Needless to say he and his pale jeans didn’t last very long and I put that denim hue in the no-way-in-hell-would-I-wear-those basket.  Until that Gossip Girl episode.*

After that spin down dating shame lane, and well, since I couldn’t actually find any online, I decided to shelve my pale blue jean dream. Temporarily…

Pale blue is now firmly in. So when I heard Zara calling my name, as all polite girls do, I answered, with a perusal of her wares and picked up the perfect pair of skinny, low waisted pale blues for under 100 crackers.

 Blue jeans 2

I know, right? They suck everything in and make your legs look long (mine naturally aren’t). And thin-ish (ditto). I love them. So Much. They’re wearing out. In their first season. But I’m okay with that – they were such a bargain, I practically made money by buying them. You need a pair right now.

* I’m dreadfully fashion flaky 

**BH – before husband