Let’s talk leather. Pants to be precise. Whoever thought Leather Pants (LPs) would make mainstream? Yeah, not me either. I made a lot of incorrect assumptions where LPs were concerned. Firstly, I assumed they were reserved strictly for 80’s bands, like Poison. Secondly, I assumed once the band was no longer working a stage, the LPs would also retire. But those leathers are like the lead singer of Poison. Resilient. He’s the star of a new TV show called Rock My RV (truly). And LPs are everywhere.
My LP journey started about 2.5 years ago. I noticed models stalking around with leather-clad pins. My first thought? Interesting… Like how I think a tiger in the zoo is ‘interesting’. I’m observing and liking. From behind the glass fence/magazine page (in the case of the LPs). But I don’t necessarily desire them in my wardrobe. Especially not the tiger. Obviously. He would eat all my best shoes. And me.
But they were on my radar… Occasionally I found myself casually Google-ing ‘leather pants’. Then it turned less casual/occasional. More hunt-like/frequent. At that point the only LPs available for purchase were on ebay. Pre-worn (hard) by aged (or deceased. Their estates were cashing in.) rock n’ rollers… Ew… Models were getting theirs made by their mates. Who just happened to be designers. Sorry mortals.
Naturally this LP unavailability meant I wanted a pair even more. Finally LPs became available to purchase in store. However… This first batch had a few ‘side effects’. The majority were Very High Waisted. Suits some gals but not me, extreme high waists make me feel like I’ve confused my trousers with a bra… Also, they weren’t all made of leather. In fact, they were pleather (pretend leather) or lycra. Which defeats the purpose of leather pants. Plus, word on the (high) street was a number of first batch LPs fell apart. While being worn. Quite breezy, if you’re walking along the street in your LPs. And suddenly you’re wearing ‘chaps.’
Eventually J Brand designed a pair just like their cult skinny jeans. Low waisted, fitted, with no side effects (apart from looking amazing). Followed closely (or simultaneously, I didn’t do a time trial) by Helmut Lang LPs. Also completely rock star – without having been worn by a rock star first.
I sense your hesitation… How to wear without looking like you’re with the band? Avoid teaming with really Big Hair… Or do, if that’s the look you’re going for. Other than that they go with everything… Including but not limited to; ballet flats, converse one stars, heels, sandals, singlets, t-shirts, silk shirts, denim shirts. And, as exhibited by Miranda Kerr below, they even accessorize excellently with stop signs and overnight sized handbags. So… Everything then.

Genuine LPs are only available at an eye-watering price. They’re an investment. But treat them right and they’ll last longer than your average 80’s rock band. Many of whom are still going strong… Sort of… If your idea of ‘going strong’ includes fronting a TV show about turning your camper van into a sweet ride.
And here’s a few actual, real life examples of how to wear…