Tress Taming 101

I have a confession to make. Yes, please do lean in. No, not for that reason. This blog is called The Powder Puff Post… I’m not going all Sheryl Sandberg corporate career lean in-esque on you. She’s got that covered. Please be so kind as to lean in so I can whisper a dis-tressing secret.

Okay, here goes… My natural hair is; frizzy poodle curly at the top, flowing down to a mid-section Mexican wave, finishing dead mouse straight at the ends. Basically, 100% hair-underwhelmingness.

Why no photo evidence you ask?  I have been snap chatting evidentiary photos of this unfortunate genetic phenomenon since before snap chat was even invented. Or, to be completely accurate, since the guy who invented snap chat was even born.

For years and years (and equivalent dollars. You do the maths.) I was hitting the blow dry bar. Hard. However, thanks to my amazing hairdresser, let’s call her Sarah (because… that’s her name), I have kicked my addiction (without a trip to BDAA*) and can now blow dry my tresses in approx. 5 minutes to professional salon standard. Myself.

Here’s the how to:

Skilled (don’t go rogue and try at home) hairdresser applies bhave Smoothe Plus Intense Keratin Treatment to blonde/brunette/rouge Crusty the Clown locks. Leave in for half an hour.  Hair is slightly washed out (don’t get excited, it’s barely 3 drops of H2O).  Hair is blow dried and flat ironed. Head home. To not venture too closely to anyone for 48 hours  (my husband asked if we should purchase a new mattress as he thought it was the mattress that smelt unusual). 48 hours later, wash it out with a bhave friendly shampoo/conditioner and blow dry. Without any product… And your hair is red carpet ready. At 9am on a Tuesday.

Just to give you a visual of this seriously amazing hair product. Which, without being too effusive, has Completely. Changed. My. Life. Here’s a before and after:

Tress Taming before & afterIf anyone picked the image on the left as the ‘after’, please stop reading immediately.  We are no longer friends. As if I would wear a vest as a top. Laced up.  Also, I’m not a guy. Stuck in 1985…

But you get the idea. The ‘after’ is me**  – with a 5 minute rough (ie no flat iron/other straightening implements) blow dry that I did myself. Seriously.

The low down:

bhave smoothes the frizz factor out, it is not a pin straight-ening treatment.  It happily works on coloured hair. Effect lasts about 4 months, depending on how many hair frying activities (eg salt water/chlorine dips) you partake in.  A swimming cap helps maintain – if you can handle how rad you’ll look at the beach.



*BDAA – blow dry addicts anonymous

**I am no Kardashian when it comes to selfies. Please forgive the photo angle. I was going for the hair shot.